Round up (ex1,2 page` 56, ex3 page` 57, ex2 page` 58, ex.4,5 page՝62)

Round up page 56 ex 1

Peter is sitting between his mother  and father. They are watching TV. Peter’s dog Blackie, is sleeping next to the sofa. There is a coffee table in front of  them.  There is some tea and cakes on it. Can you see Milly, Peter’s cat? She’s under the coffee table. She’s sleeping, too.


Round up Ex.2 page 56



Round up ex.3 page57

Round up ex 2 page58

The cat is sleeping in its basket under the table. Dinner is on the table. Peter is sitting between Sally and Grandpa. John is  on the table. Grandma is bringing  some food behind  a tray.

Round up ex2 page60

2 at midnight

3 in April

4 on April 2

5 at a quarter past six

6 at noon

7 in 1998

8 in spring

9 at night

10 on February 8th

11 on Saturday night

12 on Monday

Round up ex3 page61

  1. April fool’s day is on April 1st.
  2. May day is in May.
  3. Mother’s day is  in October.
  4. Independence on July 4th.

Թողնել պատասխան

Ձեր էլ-փոստի հասցեն չի հրատարակվելու։ Պարտադիր դաշտերը նշված են *-ով